Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 3 & 4

yesterday was between 500-600 cal i don't remeber exactly, a little too sick to write, but today i'm feeling better.
breakfast:yogurt:70 cal
lunch: shrimp:175
dinner:cereal 170

total: 585

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 2

A little harder today seeing as i had a friend over and while she was devouring cake, i had buckwheat groats, so a little battle going on in my head whether i should have some or not.

most important meal of the day: oatmeal-100cal
lunch:buckwheat groats 1 cup-155 cal
           apple:50 cal
+a little bit of beans, prolly like 60 cal

final total: 535 cal

crap, i really wanna be below 500 cal each day.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 1

All over again. Even when i was at my lowest weight last year there was never a time where i could go 7 days straight dieting, which is so weird. but i remeber that well, that it alwyas bugged me that i could never hit that 7 day mark. I looked at my agenda today, and noted, 14th of december weight 101.8. why oh why did the holidays have to come? i'm sure that if there wasnt that period of eating and "joy" i would have hit my 95 so easily by now.

breakfast: oatmeal-100 cal
lunch: buckwheat groats 1 cup cooked no salt-155 cal
dinner: yogurt-90 cal
              apple-90 cal

finale: 435 cal

buckwheat groats is such an underrated grain, seriously, 1 cup 155 cal? and i find it really yummy, no lie, one of the "health" food that i truely enjoy.

skipping first period tomorrow, 45 min, just enough time to walk to school, maybe burn 100 cal. :]]

Monday, March 8, 2010


Yeah, yesterday went clubbing and alcohol was involved so needless to say, got the munchies and the diet went out the window. plus today is a big cedlbration where i live, its considered "women's day" so two days of not losing weight.
will get on the scale friday though.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 2

Breakfast-oatmeal:100 calories
                orange:80 calories
Lunch-macaroni with WAY too many veggies:300

Grand Total: 600

Exercise: walked some today, hula hoop x 3.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 1

breakfast: cottage cheese- 0% fat, 120 calories
lunch: shrimp-175 calories
         orange-80 calories
dinner: yogurt-90 calories
           apple-60 calories
Total: 525 calories

out of exercise, hula hoop but its a heavy 10 pound one 3 times. 30 push ups, 40 chair dips, and walked about 40 min, and housework through out the day.

 I'l be writing mostly after 6 pm, thats when i stop eating, only drinking water and tea.

I'd say day 1 went by succesfully :]

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

first post (:

I'm not even sure what the right way is to start a blog, but i guess first things first, the motives. I'm starting this blog for the sole purpose of surveilling my attempt at losing weight. My story is quite short, last year at approximately this time, i weighed in at about 95-97 pounds, which at my height of 5 feet, is really ideal. there wasn't anything flabby nor did i look like i escaped from a concentration camp. right now my weight is 112.4 which i am not happy about. So basically i think the main point of this blog is stated, but feel free to leave comments and suggestion, i am always open to advice, thanks :]